Home Learning

At School 21, we believe in preparation for the next step in life. We believe at home learning (at every stage) can be a key part of this.

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At primary, every student is expected to read every day. Children choose books to take home that are at their reading level. In Years 3 – 6, children use Accelerated Reader to take comprehension quizzes at home. Other homework is set on Seesaw, including weekly spellings, writing, maths and Project Based Learning.

Years 2 - 6

Children use Times Table Rockstars to regularly practise multiplication.

Years 3 - 6

Children use Accelerated Reader to take comprehension quizzes at home.

Other homework is set on Seesaw, including weekly spellings, writing, maths and Project Based Learning.


At secondary and sixth form, our home learning will be set via Satchel One and Google Classroom. 

As a parent, you can have access to Satchel One to receive regular updates on students’ home learning in order to support your child with these tasks at home.