Welcome to the latest news at School 21! Read on for your invitation to Band Project Gala Concert (28th June) and to see what we have been getting up to this week.
A quick reminder that our school lunch menus are available HERE on our school website. You can follow the amazing work of the School 21 Chefs in Schools team on Instagram HERE!
Year 6 Transition Day!

Our Band Project students (All Year 5, All Year 6, and Year 7-9 Scholars) are working incredibly hard to get ready for this concert on the 28th June.
Please get your tickets for £3 on Reach More Parents (Weduc) now!
Any questions, please email us at [email protected].
Music Team
Reception – Superheroes Assemble!
This week, we started our new project: "What makes a superhero?". We kicked off the week with Superhero Day, where the children (and the teachers!) dressed up as superheroes and talked about the amazing abilities that heroes might have.
During the week, we read a story called Juniper Jupiter and made posters looking for Superhero sidekicks, thinking about the qualities we would want a sidekick to have – to be brave, kind, smart, and funny. What other qualities would you like for in a sidekick friend?
In Maths this week, we have started learning about money and have been exploring different coins and having fun playing shops!
Year 1
This week we hopped on the tube and travelled to Bethnal Green to visit the Young V&A. We had the most amazing morning, exploring all the different toys and games that they had! We are currently learning about different toys through history and we were able to spot so many old and new toys. Some of us even spotted the oldest toy in the museum – an Egyptian peg doll!
Year 3
Year 3 went all the way back to Ancient Egypt this week as part of our new project "How can symbols tell the story of Ancient Egypt?". We learnt about what some symbols from that era represented and then had fun making some of our own.
Year 5
Last half term, Year 5 embarked on an engaging geometry unit, exploring various exciting activities related to the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. This half term, we are transitioning to our final units of the year, concentrating on volume and problem-solving.

In our Project Based Learning this week, we have been learning about the role and the importance of the Roman Army. We have looked at the Roman invasion of Britain and the journey the Roman Army took to invade Britain. In group, we came up with a plan about how we would defend our village if the Roman soldiers tried to invade.

Year 6 – Glorious gardening!
This week year 6 students welcomed another gardening expert to our flourishing garden! Ella works with the charity School Food Matters and visited us to help year 6 to plant bee friendly plants in our garden. Students enthusiastically helped with preparing the spaces by weeding and watering and learned about the specific plant species and how they would encourage wildlife to visit our garden. We have seen a huge number of bees this year already and hope their numbers will be boosted by our new plants!
If you have a particular interest in gardening and would like to help out with maintaining our new space or would like to donate any plants/seeds please contact Ms McLear ([email protected]) – any help would be much appreciated!

Year 6 – The Science of Sport
This term, Year 6 is exploring The Science of Sport. We are learning how to grow grass and maintain the perfect sports pitch. So far, students have planted their seeds and will begin recording observations in their science books, tracking growth and changes every week. By the end of the unit, children will have developed their critical thinking skills by analyzing results and drawing conclusions.
They will also develop their practical application by applying scientific concepts to real-world scenarios. Lastly, children will have developed their collaboration and communication skills by working in groups to conduct experiments and solve problems.
Take a look at the beginnings of their perfect pitch!

Year 7, Year 8 & Year 9 – Dance Projects!
In dance projects we have been working with the Place Theatre who run the Centre for Advanced Training (CAT scheme) for 10-18 year olds. The CAT scheme is considered one of the best dance training programmes in the UK. We have had the privilege of learning technique, choreography and musicality with Ms Ellie Peacock, one of the teachers on the scheme.

Our last session this week ended excitingly with 5 students from Dance projects applying for the CAT Scheme.
Admission to the scheme is via workshops held at The Place and successful candidates join the programme from September each year. We are in a privileged position at the moment as The Place has been and will be coming into school to run workshops which serve as the audition for students who are interested.
The CAT scheme is generously funded by the Department for Education Music and Dance Scheme (MDS). This means that the programme can be fully, or partially funded through grants that are awarded based on household income. This enables the Place to support any young person with the skills and confidence to be the next generation of future leaders in the field of dance and beyond.
Students interested in signing up or parents who would like more information should contact the PE Team or email school information and the PE team will get back to you. More information about the programme can be found here where interest can be registered.
Year 7, Year 8 & Year 9 – Karate with Zalma from Outrunners
A group of our amazing students joined Zalma from Outrunners for a Karate session to celebrate all the running successes from girls PE and after school running club. Some of the comments from participants included:
- “Can we have this regularly, I loved it, It was so much fun”
- “I found it challenging and I was tired by the end but Miss Zalma encouraged me to carry on”
- “Miss I am confident I can defend myself, if I needed to, can we have more Karate please”
- “When is Karate coming back?”
Students were also given free Nike merchandise and had discussions about empowerment. There will be more Karate sessions and other fun offers with Outrunners soon. Students interested in attending running clubs with outrunners after school or participating in any of their events inside and outside school please come and speak to a member of the PE team, it's all £FREE. Parents can also get involved, if interested please visit the Outrunners website to find out more!

Year 10 & Year 12
During their real-world learning Programme, Year 10 and 12 students have been working on a design and build project making a market stall, renovating the reception puppet theatre and constructing a sixth form planter bench, all hopefully in time for our summer festival on the 12th July.
This week they learnt basic woodworking skills making butt joints and painting and decorating techniques.

Year 12
Year 12 Psychologists had an excellent time visiting the immersive HELLO BRAIN! exhibition at the Francis Crick Institute. They were able to hone their knowledge on areas of the course such as Biopsychology and Schizophrenia, as well as getting a glimpse of the huge biomedical research facility.