Community Newsletter 14/06/2024


Our Band Project students (All Year 5, All Year 6, and Year 7-9 Scholars) are working incredibly hard to get ready for our concert next Friday 28th June.

Please get your tickets for £3 on Reach More Parents (Weduc) now!

Any questions, please email us at [email protected].

Music Team

Poetry Visit (Reception – Year 6)

Award-winning poet and author, Neal Zetter, is visiting our school on Tuesday 25th June!

If you would like to buy a signed copy of his books, please complete the Reach More Parents (Weduc) payment by Monday 24th June or alternatively you can meet Neal after school in the Primary playground and purchase a book at the same time.

  • £9: The Shape of Rainbows (NEW! NEW! NEW!). My first mixed-themed poetry book since 2016 has something for everyone: Peanut Butter Nutter, Police Car, Two Mums, Living Next Door to a Viking, Bad Smells and The Day I Ate My School are just a few of the titles you'll find inside it.
  • £9: When the Bell Goes (A Rapping, Rhyming Trip through Childhood). Jam-crammed with fifty comical poems, plus jokes and silly facts, about Neal's (and your) journey through childhood, school days and growing up.
  • £8: The Universal Zoo (The Conservation Place at the Far End of Space). Fifty funny and a few sad poems – wonderfully and comically illustrated – about a menagerie of mysterious endangered alien creatures all cared for by the robotic Keeper in this special place, a long way from Earth.

Please complete the form your child has brought home with to ensure they receive the correct book ordered.

Year 6 to 7 Transition Day!



Who are the heroes hiding in our community? This week, we started learning about real-life heroes in our community. We learned about how police officers and firefighters keep us safe; doctors and nurses heal us when we are sick; and teachers and librarians help us to learn! We enjoyed dressing up as different community helpers and making cards to say thank you to them! In maths, we have introduced data handling and enjoyed creating bar charts and pictographs to show information.

In other news this week, Reception took their first trip to the Stratford library to select books for the Summer Reading Challenge!

Year 1

Year 1 have been learning a new topic in Project and it's all about Toys! They have enjoyed bringing in their favourite toys to share with their friends. We went to a trip to the Young V&A Museum where children learnt interesting facts about all the different toys throughout the centuries. If you see a Year 1 child they will be happy to share the amazing facts they learnt about all the different toys!

Year 2

This term, we are learning all about explorers in PBL, and have been reading up on Neil Armstrong and Amelia Earhart, with the help of our Explorer Bear! We will continue to research these famous explorers in English over the next few weeks as well.

In Science, we have been conducting experiments on different materials to test their elasticity and bounciness.

This term, we are also lucky enough to have some library trips booked to Stratford Library to start their Summer Reading Challenge. Columba Blango have already been, and we had a blast, choosing books, listening to stories and exploring their children's area! Don't forget that you can take part in the Summer Reading Challenge at any library for FREE!!

Year 3

Our Year 3 students took part in some amazing music workshops led by a Palestinian and Jewish team of professional musicians.. We heard the flute, piano, ukulele and the oud – a beautiful stringed instrument from the middle east. The students loved hearing the different sounds and playing musical games. We learnt a song from the Sephardi tradition and sang the chorus in Ladino – a Judeo-Spanish language. Then we worked in groups to create our own lyrics to the song, which we have been practising. It's a song about having to leave home. What would you take?

All students in Year 3 are invited to attend the final concert from this project on Sunday 7th July at the Round Chapel – a performance venue in Hackney. A group have already signed up and we can't wait to share the experience with you. Students who go along will be able to perform the song with professional musicians and a choir of 45 people. It's going to be a beautiful occasion!

Year 4

Year 4 had the chance to visit Stratford Library this week, to begin their summer reading challenge. It was a great opportunity to explore a wide range of texts and see if they could find their new favourite author(s). We are excited to see how many are able to complete the challenge and win some fantastic prizes.

Year 5

Year 5 finished their Lion King headresses on Friday and worked really hard on getting the final details and 3D elements onto their sculptures. This week we presented our work with a dramatic animal ensemble!

This week in Year 5, students connected Crumbles to programs using Chromebooks, sparking their interest in coding. In science, they tested different materials to see their properties. In English, they wrote creative stories about robots, using lots of descriptive words. These lessons were all linked, making learning fun and exciting!

Year 6

This week, 30 students were invited to take part in the Honey Bee Programme run by the charity, School Food Matters. This was an exciting opportunity for children to explore the importance of honey bees in the biodiversity of our planet and build upon previous visits and workshops. Children got the chance to wear a bee suit, visit the apiary and be a beekeper for the day whilst also getting the opportunity to feed some of the other animals that call Mudchute farm home!

Year 12

Year 12 Geographers have been on a residential trip to West Lulworth, Dorset. They got to enjoy the stunning coastal landscape, which includes the formations of Lulworth Cove and Durdle Door. Students applied their Geography skills from the classroom to the field, using a range of methods to assess the impact of coastal processes in the area. They also spent some time exploring the village, considering what it would be like to live in this area. The students really impressed us with their professionalism and teamwork. They came back with important data for their Geography A Levels and a greater sense of crew as a group, having shared these memorable experiences together. Well done to all involved.


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