Community Newsletter 24/05/2024

It’s the final day of Summer Term 1, and we have enjoyed some wonderful celebrations of nature this week at School 21. Read on to learn about Bug Hotels in Year 2, a visit from the bees for Year 4 and Year 6, outdoor picnic fun for Year 6, and crafting otherworldly plants in Year 8.

Have a wonderful half-term break, we look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 3rd June! Our school lunch menus for Summer Term 2 are now available to view online here:

Primary Playground Donations

Thank you so much to all the families that brought in donations for the playground last week! We recieved a huge amount of toys, dressups, games, books and even a microwave! We will start putting these out in the playground from Summer 2.

We are continuing to collect items for the Primary playground. If you have any further donations, please feel free to bring them in anytime and hand to your classroom teacher. Thank you!


Year 2

Year 2 loved making bug hotels in Science this week! We created our own microhabitat on the playground and we can't wait to see which bugs move in over the next few weeks.

Year 4

On Tuesday, Year 4 took part in their Roman Day as a hook for their new project. The children had the chance to create a range of Roman items including a wax tablet, a game, ink and even a pendant for a necklace. Year 4 had a fantastic day and can’t wait to continue their learning in Project lessons.

Year 4 and Year 6 – Busy Bees!

This week School 21 was visited by Mark, a beekeeper from School Food Matters Honeybee Programme. Students from year 6 and some students from year 4 learned all about: the life cycle of bees; how they live in colonies of up to 50,000 bees; the different roles of male and female bees; how they care for their young and collect nectar to make honey in order to feed the colony.

The beekeeper brought a colony into school in an observation hive so that the children were able to safely observe them at a very close distance and were able to taste some local honey – which was delicious! Year 6 students will also be taking part in planting bee friendly plants and some students will have the chance to visit a beehive at a local farm.

Year 5

Year 5 have been working hard to develop their oracy skills! In project, they used a consensus circle to decide what aspect of ancient Greece has influenced our modern world the most. In English, they used an onion to edit and improve their work.

Year 6

Year 6 showcased all of the School 21 values during SATs week and to celebrate their exemplary attitude and behaviour, were treated to a wonderful picnic on the field. Children loved playing cricket, eating ice-creams and topping up their tans. A great morning was had by all!

Year 8 – Otherworldly plants!

As part of our current topic on Reproduction and Genetics, Year 8 have been exploring adaptations this week. We learned the difference between structural, behavioural and physiological adaptations, and specifically considered different plants. The students applied their knowledge to design alien plants which could survive on a choice of different planets with extreme environments. They built plasticine models and explained how their creations were adapted, considering how their plant would obtain water, intercept light, gather nutrients, facilitate fertilisation, disperse seeds and protect against being eaten. Here are their creations!

We also spend a Friday afternoon in the forest school playing a natural selection game about a fictional creature called the ‘Sticky Dog’ and made some DNA double helix models. It’s been a fun week for hands-on science!

Year 8 also had their half-termly celebration assembly this week!

Year 10

On 17th May, Year 10 Hospitality and Catering students celebrated World Baking Day in lesson time. All the students baked cookies in the class using their researched designs. A selection of mouthwatering cookies were baked such as Oreo chocolate crumble cookies, Raspberry with white chocolate cookies, triple chocolate cookies etc.


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