Dear Families,
Welcome to the first community newsletter of 2025!
As you will read, there has been lots of wonderful learning and activities across S21 during the first month of the year.
Make sure you read the careers update from Frankie plus the latest wellbeing and safeguarding community update from Lola and the team.
Many thanks to you for all your ongoing support and feedback
Moray Dickson – Headteacher
Careers News

Coming Soon: Future Pathways Careers Event

Sixth Form Applications Now Open

College Open Days

Wellbeing and Safeguarding Community Update

Hello families!
We are excited to introduce our first Wellbeing and Safeguarding Update of the year.
This half-termly newsletter is designed to help our community work together in supporting the health, safety, and happiness of our young people. Each issue will focus on key areas that impact children and young people, from mental health to staying safe online and managing challenges like exam stress.
This month we are focusing on:
1. The role of the Safeguard Team 2. Operation Compass 3. Coping with Bereavement and Loss
Click here to read this half term’s issue.


SPORT News @School21
Year 5 off on the right foot with National Ballet
The English National Ballet came in to run a ballet workshop with Orange class during their PE lessons. The dancers from the ENB taught a phrase of movement which students excelled in, impressing the visitors so much that they wanted to extend an invite to their FREE half term sessions coming up over the February half term.
If your child is aged 9-12 and a keen dancer, you can find more information about these FREE HALF TERM SESSIONS HERE!

Learning across School 21
Reception have been developing their drawing skills this week. They have been drawing woodland animals and thinking about how they can improve their skills. They have also been learning about sharing an amount into equal groups in maths. They were using our star words 'equal' and 'unequal' to make sure their sharing was fair!

Year 2
This term in year 2, we have been exploring and learning all about the Victorian era. Year 2 had the opportunity to part take in a Victorian lesson role play at Ragged School Museum. The children explored many differences of what schools are like now and what school were like in the Victorian times. Through experiencing life at school as a Victorian child, made many children appreciate and be grateful for how education and schools have evolved over time.

Year 3
Year 3 had a wonderful time visiting the Kevin Jenkins Outdoor Learning Centre as part of our learning about what life was like in the Stone Age. We took part in a scavenger hunt, tried our hand at making shelters and dens, carved tools out of wood and soap, chopped and sawed wood, and even had a go at building fires to cook our snack on! It was such a fun experience for our children, who loved spending time outdoors in nature and trying new and adventurous activities.

Year 4
This week Year 4 have been working on writing a Horrible Histories script as our project product. The children are using all their knowledge from our Roman topic to work in groups to produce their skit. We are using skills of community, oracy and collaboration. In maths we have finished our Fraction unit which the children have enjoyed and consolidated. Our next topic is Time so please ask your child to read the time on the clock at home!

Year 5
Hot Chocolate winner
Each month, the teachers in primary school choose a student who has been exemplifying our school values of Community, Openness, Responsibility, Excellence and Humanity. This month this superstar was chosen for her openness in English. She has worked extremely hard to continue her progress and responds positively to all feedback.

Above and Beyond
At the end of each half term, teachers choose one student who has exceeded our expectations and demonstrated exceptional effort and dedication throughout the term. In autumn, this young man was chosen for going above beyond to find ways to make progress with his spelling. He asked for extra spelling work so he was able to practice and improve his spelling mark.

Year 6
The Year 6 students had a fantastic and immersive experience during their trip to the Museum of London Docklands. They explored the museum’s powerful exhibitions on World War II, gaining valuable insights into the Blitz, the Home Front, and the impact of war on Londoners.
Through interactive displays and engaging discussions, students deepened their understanding of this pivotal period in history. They asked thoughtful questions and participated enthusiastically, making the most of this educational opportunity.
A huge thank you to the parents and carers whose support made this trip possible. We look forward to more enriching experiences ahead in 2025!

Year 10
The Year 10 founder of Gem, together with the Gem girls, recently hosted a successful bake sale to raise funds for the club. The proceeds will be used to create new opportunities, empowering the girls to achieve even greater things in the future.

Year 13
Our wonderful Y13 Chemists delved into the world of synthesising drugs through purposeful oracy practices. With vistors coming in from Denmark, each group had to think strategically and contribute to group talk with the aim of devising a pathway to synthesise paracetamol and a birth control pill. Visitors were impressed with the competition between groups with Rafee, Tawhid and Shaheed edging to victory!