
Gates open at 8:00am. The school day starts at 8:30am for all students.

If arriving after 8:30am, students must be signed in at the main school office where they will be recorded as being late.

For Reception – Year 4: the school day ends at 3:00pm. 

For Year 5 – Year 11: the school day ends at 3:30pm.

Pupil Illness/Unplanned Absence

The student’s parent/carer must notify the school on the first day of an unplanned absence by 8:00am, or as soon as practically possible via:

Telephone: 020 8262 2121     

Email: [email protected]

Other pupil absence

Please refer to our Attendance and Child Missing from Education Policy.

Illness During School Hours

If a child becomes ill or injured during the school day and is not well enough to stay in class, the parent/carer will be called to pick the child up. It is necessary to have updated emergency contact numbers on file in the School Office in case no one can be contacted at home. If the person picking up the child is not the parent/carer of the child, they must be:

  1. given explicit written permission to pick up the child

  2. know the password collected during the initial home visit

  3. be 18 years or older.

If a child needs to take medicine at school, parents must have completed the necessary consent forms for administration of medicine in school – these can be found and submitted in the school office. In some cases, parents/carers may be asked to meet with the school First Aider to discuss arrangements for the administration of medication. Medicine needs to be in its original packaging/case.

If there are any concerns about medicine, allergies and overall health, please let the main school office know. Parents of students with asthma should bring an inhaler prescribed by their doctor to be kept in school in case of emergency. It is also compulsory to complete an Asthma plan. Asthmatic students should notify a member of staff if at any time breathing becomes difficult.