Physical Education Curriculum Department

Physical Education Curriculum

Age Range: 4-16

Subject Vision Statement: For all students to be inspired to take part in physical activity. To develop the skills, confidence, love & knowledge to participate in physical recreation when they leave school in the wider community.

Big Ideas:

Health and Well-being A comprehensive approach to physical education that goes beyond just fitness, incorporating mental and emotional well-being, promoting a healthy active lifestyle.
Inclusive Physical Activity Physical education is accessible to all students regardless of ability or background. The curriculum is inclusive and promotes diversity, culture, teamwork and a sense of belonging.
Lifelong Physical Literacy Focus on developing fundamental movement skills and physical literacy that students can carry with them throughout their lives. Equip them with the knowledge and habits to stay active and healthy beyond their school years.
Sportsmanship Foster a positive competitive spirit through sports, emphasising fair play, sportsmanship, and respect for opponents. Create an environment where students learn valuable life skills through organised sports and healthy competition.
Mastery Students progress at their own pace through personalised in depth learning, ensuring they achieve a deep understanding of fundamental skills before moving on to more advanced activities.


Subject Design Principles:

  • Students develop physical competence in a wide range of activities.
  • Engage in regular competition throughout all phases.
  • Apply knowledge and tactics, the “intelligent sports performer” to outwit the opponent.
  • Achieve personal development through physical education leading ‘healthy and active lives’.
  • Students develop an enjoyment in PE and sport to which they continue beyond the school gates.
  • Develop physical and mental capacity.
  • Students evaluate their own and others performances.
  • Make informed decisions over healthy and active lifestyles.


Phase Specific Journey:

Phases 1 and 2 Developing a love of learning.
Phase 1 Journey Explore space and basic skill movement, combining simple skills when performing in isolation and in small games.
Phase 2 Journey Develop fundamental skills, performing basic movements (for example running, jumping, throwing, catching and developing.


Phases 3 and 4 Developing passions and increasing independence.
Phase 3 Journey Combine and perform more complex skills, begin to perform these skills with fluency and accuracy when in isolation and in competitive games.
Phase 4 Journey Mastery of skill movement, combining complex skills with tactics and strategies to dominate performance during competition, whilst analysing their own and others performances in order to achieve their personal best.


Phases 5 Building choice, autonomy and empowered professionalism.
Phase 5 Journey Develop a lifelong love for physical activity. Students in core PE are able to make choices over their curriculum design. GCSE PE students are challenged at greater depth as they look to master three individual/team sports whist learning the physical factors affecting performance, social and cultural issues in sport, and sport psychology.