We can’t believe it’s nearly the end of term already! Students and staff alike are looking forward to Christmas Dinner day on Wednesday 13th December (take a look at the menu here!) Our last day of term is Friday 15th December, where we will finish at 1pm.
There are lots more opportunities to get involved in school activities next week ahead of the holidays. Primary will be holding a bake sale on Wednesday 13th December (see below for details!) and on Thursday 14th December we have the Year 9 Poetry Slam at 4pm in C-Courtyard and the epic finale of the Festival of Light with Year 11 and Year 13 performing at 6pm in the New Hall.
Our next INSET day will be Thursday 4th January 2024, students will return on Friday 5th January after the Christmas holidays.
We are seeking to appoint Exam Invigilators to join our examinations team! Take a look at the advert on our Careers page to see if the role is right for you. The purpose of the role will be to supervise examinations as necessary throughout the school year. Full training will be given. Please complete an online application if you would like to apply!
We would like to hold a bake sale and the funds go towards buying some more equipment for the Primary playground. We would love some parent volunteers to help run the stall on Wednesday 13th December from 2.50 – 3.20pm. If you are interested please email Lisa Placks [email protected]
Cake donations are very welcome, please bring them in from Tuesday 12th December and give them to your child’s class teacher.
This week we are congratulating Year 7 – Year 9 students and Band Project Scholarship programme participants on a fantastic performance at the penultimate Festival of Light concert this Thusday 7th December. The staff choir also went all out to put on a spectacular show! Thank you also to our wonderful audience.
One more concert to go next Thursday 14th December, the finale in our 10th Anniversary Celebrations!
Playing the 433 system, the School 21 boys team seem to be focused and ready for the match against Chobham. But we started off poor by letting a goal in, in the first five minutes. With some encouraging words from each other the School 21 boys started stringing some passes together and building some confidence into their game, and fifteen minutes into the game Tiarn struck the ball into the bottom to make it 1-1. Just before the end of the first half with some great pressure from Tiarn and Sailfullah pounced onto the goalkeeper's missed kick and scored to make it 2-1 S21.

Second half, S21 still had their foot on the gas trying to get a third goal, but Chobham wasn't giving up and had serval shots on goal but Nicolas made some fantastic saves. With 10 minutes left of the game, Tiarn received the ball on the edge of the area and struck the ball sweet into the goal to make it 3-1 to School 21! That how the game finished. Well done team!!!
West Side Story rehearsals are well under way. The fantastic cast have learned the music and choreography to some of the most challenging numbers we have ever had in a musical at School21 and are doing a brilliant job. Those attending Festival of Light will see a sneak peek!
Our next Reception open day for prospective students will be on 9th January 2024! Please encourage friends and family to visit if they are interested in a Reception place at School 21 for September 2024 admission.
Year 1
In Project Year 1 have been learning about Key Landmarks in London. This week we have been learning about St Paul's Cathedral and what is special about the Cathedral. For this children created stained glass windows to represent the beauty of St Paul's Cathedral.
Year 4
This week, Year 4 have been working hard to create their promotional river cruise videos. They started by filming their videos in front of a green screen and then worked together as a group to edit the video into it's final masterpiece. We can't wait to show our videos to each other and our visitors on Around the World day next week!

Year 10
In the class this week, Year 10 Hospitality and Catering students learnt the skill of making meringues and made delicious mini pavlovas topped with chantilly cream and fresh berries.
Year 11
This week, Year 11 Hospitality and Catering students went for a class trip to Borough market, where they attended a bread making workshop at Bread Ahead Bakery and in the market explored different cultural foods from around the world. The students were taught how to make two types of french breads i.e. baguette and fougasse. They were also given the opportunity to visit the bakery where they saw the production of crème brûlée doughnuts. After the workshop, the students explored various food stalls at Borough market. A special thanks to Mrs Gumbeer for leading the trip, Ms Christie and Ms Leung for their assistance throughout the trip.

This is what our students shared about the trip:
“I really enjoyed the trip for a variety of reasons. One significant reason was that this was my first experience visiting a professional bakery. The colleagues in this company work together well and they take great precautions during the production of bakery items. I believe that this trip should be offered to all the students studying Hospitality and Catering as this is be beneficial for them to understand the subject.” – Asiya
“I enjoyed the bread making workshop at Bread Ahead because we learnt how to shape and sculpt the dough to make two types of breads. I also liked the taste testing session after the workshop. I enjoyed trying different foods from the food stalls in Borough Market.” – Elly
“Overall, my experience at Borough Market was very fun. There were so many different foods to see and many different cultural foods to experience!” – Ibrahim