Community Newsletter 09/06/2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back for the last half term of the year! It was lovely to see our students happy to be back in school.

We are really excited to be working on plans for renovations of playground spaces over the summer. Student voice has been used in developing these ideas – from workshops with our younger students to ideas for the secondary playground originating from the voice of our amazing students in year 9 in their Ignite speeches earlier this term. This will make such a difference to break and lunch times! As ever we are looking for donations to help us to do this work – we have some seed funding already from some parents, which has made our hearts sing – thank you! Do contact our Business Manager Michele Barthram if you would like to help.

Our parent workshop series has been running for a number of weeks now – it would be great to have you join us. Do see the section below for further information.

Green fingers in Year 4!

You’ll see in the news below that we’ve really been taking advantage of the warmer, sunnier days and getting outside – the gardens are being worked on and starting to bloom and we’ve been really excited to have an amazing donation from the Chelsea flower show!

Best wishes for the weekend ahead,

Nicola Mason, Headteacher


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