What we teach

Our curriculum vision represents our expansive view of an education of the Head, Heart and Hand.

In practice this means the pupils experience a project-based learning approach in which they work on a problem that is relevant to them, their families, their community, or the global community. Many of these projects focus on diversity and inclusion, or the climate crisis.

We have a strong focus on the creative arts, and ensure that this is given an equal weighting in the curriculum. We have specialist teachers for Music and PE, and place a strong emphasis on Art and Design Technology. We also believe that wellbeing and relationships are crucial for learning, and spend curriculum time helping children manage their emotions and form successful relationships with friends and adults.’ becomes ‘We have a strong focus on the creative arts, and ensure that this is given an equal weighting in the curriculum. We have specialist teachers for Music and PE, and place a strong emphasis on Art and Design Technology. We teach maths using a problem solving mastery approach called Let’s Think, which is proven to improve attainment. We also believe that wellbeing and relationships are crucial for learning, and spend curriculum time helping children manage their emotions and form successful relationships with friends and adults.


Problem solving and critical thinking

We learn how to think critically about issues that matter to us, the community and the world. We develop problem solving skills that will help us to generate solutions to these important problems.

Foundational skills

We develop important skills that pupils will need to use as they move through the school system and begin to navigate their own futures: listening. speaking, reading, writing, mathematics and scientific enquiry.

Taking control of your learning

We learn to reflect thoughtfully on our own learning, taking increased responsibility for it as we grow and mature. We develop a toolkit of skills to tackle any challenges we face. We seek and respond to critique.


Care and respect

We learn about issues that matter to the local and global community and design solutions to these real life problems. We explore different perspectives with care and respect, challenging discrimination and prejudice.

Working collaboratively

We learn how to work as a team, persevering to tackle challenging tasks, each person contributing and benefittng. We learn that greater things can be achieved locally and globally through successful collaboration.

Happiness in body and mind

We learn to be well in body and mind and to build successful, productive relationships. We learn to know and value our own identities and how to handle moral dilemmas, remaining true to our values.


Creativity and the arts

We experience as much arts as academic learning, and know that developing arts expertise can help our academic learning. We explore a wide range of arts practices, and hone our arts skills through experimentation and practice .

Expert skills

We develop expertise by working alongside and in the role of experts in a wide variety of fields. We practise and perfect the skills that are needed to work like artists, designers, historians, musicians, actors, dancers, sportspeople, and many other important roles.

Design thinking

We learn how a designer researches, consults stakeholders, plays with ideas, prototypes, refines and produces a final product. We learn why it is important to be ambitious for our work and how to work collectively towards excellence.

Oracy and storytelling

We learn the skills to engage in productive dialogue, tell our own stories with eloquence, and really listen to others’ stories.  We use these skills to improve our understanding of texts and our own written work, as well as to understand our community and the wider world.